Create an engaging web presence that communicated the 'Appleby Difference' and enable visitors uncover their dream ring or purchase that special gift.
Persona profiling revealed two distinct types of audience: those who wanted to research, especially diamond rings and those who wanted to purchase jewellery and watches
A fully responsive site with a strong brand message and cross device usability.
We wanted to make a visual impact and connect with our audience emotionally. Diamonds and jewellery are all about expressing feelings after all. A 'parallax' scrolling home page was broken into sections that gave the visitor and overview of what sets Appleby apart: an unparalleled product range, dedicated customer service and exquisite craftsmanship and design.
The site was reorganised into 4 definitive categories with a desktop super dropdown navigation giving visitors a summary of each section's content. Product pages were designed in a clean responsive grid with a robust backend content management system that empowered the client to re-order and re-categorise products with ease. A sophisticated solution was developed that linked the online order to Appleby's in store ePOS system so order tracking is real time.
User experience improved with agile product selection toggling, enhanced 'wishlist' and user account functionality and a streamlined checkout journey. Content was rewritten to be simpler, more direct and evocative. Plus a revitalised blog functions a strong SEO tool.
Year on year, website traffic has more than doubled with significant leap in engagement metrics and sales.
Since the launch of the new site, sessions increased by 200%, compared with the same period the previous year. Through coordinated digital marketing and best practice search engine optimisation, organic rankings improved considerably across the most relevant keywords.
The key metric of engagement showed that time spent on pages increased by over 150% showing the new layout and enhanced content connected with the audiences.
Amongst other metrics, average time on page increased considerably upon the launch of the new site showing vastly improved audience engagement.